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February Program Highlights at the Norfolk Senior Center

RSVP to 508-528-4430 or register for programs in person at the Norfolk Senior Center, 28 Medway Branch Road. For a full list of activities, visit the Council on Aging page on the town’s website:
Thursday, February 6 at 1 p.m. Downsize Your Stuff Even if you are not moving homes, reducing clutter and planning for your most beloved possessions can give you tremendous peace of mind. Professional home organizer Avery Amante will break it down into manageable steps and obtainable goals, how to make decisions, and ultimately what to do with the things you no longer want or need. Get ready to take on downsizing projects with clarity and a can-do attitude!  RSVP requested.
Tuesday, February 11 at 10 a.m. Brain Boosting Foods Join a lively and informative presentation on the 5 best foods for brain health. Presented by Tara Hammes, RDN of MCOA. RSVP requested.
Tuesday, February 11 at 11 a.m. Harnessing the Power Of AI Artificial Intelligence is transforming the world and older adults have a unique role guiding this technology. With Professor Rubin of Senior U, discover how you can help shape this tool for the future. Shown via Zoom at the Senior Center or watch from home. RSVP requested.
Wednesday, February 12 at 1 p.m. Estate Planning Basics Are you wondering what the necessary steps are to protect your family if something were to happen? Local attorney Amy Antonellis will explain the necessary components of an effective estate plan and real-life scenarios will be evaluated to illustrate the use of various estate planning tools, such as wills, trusts, durable power of attorney, and health care proxies. RSVP requested.
Thursday, February 13 at 12:30 p.m. Famous Impressions Enjoy the work of famous Impressionist painters such as Monet, Renoir, Degas and others. Learn what Impressionists believed, how they worked, and how their creations stirred the art world, inspiring so many artists—from the post-impressionists onward. Join art historian Jill Sanford of Art for Your Mind challenging yourself to see in new ways! Programs are for people of all backgrounds –artists and non-artists alike. RSVP requested.
Friday, February 14 Valentine’s Day Lunch, Hershey Talk, And Chocolate Tasting Come celebrate Valentine’s Day with your friends at the Norfolk Senior Center. At noon: Lunch will include cheese lasagna, meatballs, salad, and rolls. Cost $3, limited to 50 people. At 1 p.m.: The Secrets of Sweet Success: The Story of Milton S. Hershey This program looks at the life of Milton S. Hershey and how he founded a company, town and school that are still thriving today. We will examine eight guiding principles that Mr. Hershey followed to become a successful businessman and community leader, including start with a passion, keep trying, and pursue new ideas. Led by The Hershey Story in Hershey, PA via Zoom at the Norfolk Senior Center. At 1:45 p.m.: Chocolate Tasting: International Chocolates We will try four single-source chocolates from around the world as we discover and discuss how each has a unique flavor profile. We will also provide some American Hershey chocolate samples to compare. Chocolate tasting limited to 30 people. RSVP required for all three events.
Wednesday, February 19 at 10:15 a.m. Behind the Scenes: Academy Awards How did this Hollywood award get started? Who has won (or lost) the Oscar over the years? What are some of the ceremony’s most famous and infamous moments? Get ready for Hollywood’s big night with interactive trivia questions, clips, poster board displays, movie-themed door prizes, and Oscar ballots! Presented by Film Lecturer & Podcast Host Frank Mandosa. RSVP requested.
Monday, February 24 at 11 a.m. Solo Ager Discussion Group Are you an older adult who lives alone and doesn’t have reliable support from children or family members? Are you making decisions about your future independently? Then this is the group for you! This is a monthly meeting to discuss the practical planning steps that are unique to solo agers. Call Outreach Coordinator Becky Poynot with questions. RSVP requested.
Tuesday, February 25 at 1 p.m. Terrarium Gardening Explore the fascinating world of terrariums and then make your own! Therapy Gardens will discuss the best plants to use and techniques for care and maintenance. Participants will design and build a mini-terrarium to take home. Limited to 24 people. Cost: $10. RSVP required.
Wednesday, February 26 at 1 p.m. UFOs and Spy Balloons Podcaster and paranormal enthusiast Chris Torres discusses recent developments on UFOs and spy balloons and how to use the internet to research this topic. RSVP requested.
Thursday, February 27 at 1 p.m. Seasonal Affective Disorder and Winter Blues Lecture Why does winter make us SAD? Let’s find out why and what we can do with neuroscientist Kymberlee O’Brien. First, it’s not your fault! Our brains have evolved to have seasonal shifts. Let’s explore how shorter days and less sunlight affects brain chemistry, leading to lower mood and energy, and how to brain boost your mood and feel better! RSVP requested.