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Norfolk American Legion Post 335 Honors Departing Commander

Outgoing Post Commander Benjamin McCarty, left, receives a plaque from incoming Post Commander Frank C. Zolli.

On January 8, Norfolk’s 79-year-old American Legion Post 335 conducted a change of command ceremony at its monthly meeting at the Federated Church. The outgoing Post Commander, Benjamin McCarty, was honored for his continuous service over the last 12 years.
In front of the assembled membership, McCarty was presented with a Departing Commander plaque by incoming Post Commander Frank C. Zolli. The ceremony, which is a highly traditional rite in the military, emphasizes the achievements of the outgoing command and commits the incoming command to continued dedication to progress. It demonstrates the unity of all the crew as they embark on their future mission.
A second award was presented to McCarty as a recognition of the opportunity that the Legion provides to leaders who accept the challenges of command. McCarty was given a statuette, in the form of an American Eagle, whose wings enfold members of all service branches. Its soldiers at the ready, the unsaid message is “Americans are secure beneath the wings of the Eagle.”
McCarty expressed his thanks and appreciation for the relationships he developed during his time as Post Commander and for the honors bestowed on him.
“We went through some difficult times together, “said McCarty, “but with the commitment of several good people we survived. The Post was hurt by COVID, our members restricted by the heath concerns, but we emerged intact. Now I can feel secure that we are handing over the gavel to another generation which will continue the work of the Legion.”