Kevin Kalkut for State Representative

Kevin Kalkut is a candidate for State Representative for the 9th Norfolk District. The district includes Norfolk, Wrentham, Plainville, and portions of Millis (Precinct 1), Medfield (Precincts 3 and 4), and Walpole (Precinct 5). Kalkut is a two-term Norfolk Select Board Member, Member of the Norfolk County Advisory Committee, and previously served on the Norfolk Planning Board.
Kalkut says his priorities are housing, early education/childcare, mental health, protecting abortion, promoting transparency, addressing the climate crisis, updating our revenue & tax framework, and supporting local small businesses.
“My priorities came as a result of 5+ years of conversations with homeowners, parents, educators, school administrators, business owners, and other elected officials in our district while serving on the Norfolk Select Board and Planning Board. Serving on the county’s Advisory Board has further confirmed for me that support is needed to drive these priorities at the State level.” says Kalkut.
Kalkut lives in Norfolk with his wife Erica, their three sons (ages 4 to 10) and three rescue dogs. He is employed by Crunchtime, a restaurant software company based in Boston, as a Client Success Manager.
Eight years ago, when Kevin and Erica were moving to Massachusetts, they were looking for a small town similar to where Kevin grew up in New Jersey and Erica grew up in Connecticut - and Norfolk fit the bill.
“We were initially drawn to the open space, distinct neighborhoods, fantastic schools, rich rural appeal, and accessibility to Boston. But after our first couple of years, we fell in love with the community more than anything else. Between sending our oldest to kindergarten for the first time, that first day of Norfolk Lions U4 soccer, and the madness of off-hours dashes to the hospital to welcome brothers two and three, the milestones began to pile up. Neighbors became friends, friends became family, and before we knew it, Norfolk was our home. As we started to expand to summer baseball in Wrentham, daycare in Millis, date nights in Medfield, basketball leagues in Walpole, and horse farms in Plainville, it became clear that this area was the perfect fit for our family.”
Kalkut on why he became involved in local politics:
As he became more integrated into the Norfolk community, he began to hear concerns about long-term development in the town and decided to get involved in local government.
”I ran for the Planning Board because I knew I could contribute a valuable perspective based on my professional experience. When the opportunity to run for the Select Board came up, I embraced the chance to apply some learnings from the Planning Board as well as grow outreach and engagement within the community. As Chair, I worked to enhance transparency and public involvement while aligning the community in a collaborative direction. Now, I see the same opportunity to bring tangible change to the 9th Norfolk District. Far too often, decisions made on Beacon Hill lack the foresight or consideration of municipalities downstream and the impacts they have on local operations. Issues such as local aid, Chapter 90 funding, regional school transportation reimbursements, and Special Education Circuit Breaker programs continue to fall short.
I look forward to bringing the perspective of a relative political outsider, my unique professional background within the service industry, the foundation of elected service at the municipal level, and the lived experience of a father of three to the State House.”
Kalkut says he has always had “a servant’s heart.”
Ever since my first job as a brunch prep cook in high school, service has always been prioritized above all else. It was through my education and professional career that I learned that success is measured by the ability to connect with people and cater memorable experiences to their needs. “When we first moved to Massachusetts, I had the pleasure of working for a COO who emphasized the importance of being of service to every possible engagement. So, when I began serving in an elected capacity within municipal government, I carried that same ‘Servant’s Heart’ into each and every engagement, seeking to connect and provide quality service at every opportunity. And I’m still pretty good at flipping omelets.”
Kalkut says he is humbled by the amount of support he has received.
“I am looking to represent all people in the 9th Norfolk District, not just those who agree with my positions. I look forward to continuing to meet with voters throughout the 9th Norfolk District, and I humbly ask for your support in the upcoming Democratic Primary for State Representative on September 6th.”
For more information on Kalkut, or to order a lawn sign, visit