Shoebox Project Adapts to Help Rosie’s Place Gift Cards Accepted Through Dec. 7
Nov 27, 2020 09:58AM ● By Grace AllenMaura Feely Birenbaum, left, dropping off shoeboxes in 2019 to Rosie’s Place volunteers.
The Shoebox Project is looking a little different this year.
The annual holiday drive collects festively-wrapped shoeboxes
containing small gifts for Rosie’s
Place, a women’s shelter in Boston. But the initiative, like everything else in 2020, has had to
pivot because of the pandemic.
Instead, donors are asked to
purchase $25 gift cards to Walgreen’s, CVS, Old Navy, or Target, said organizer Maura Feeley
Birenbaum. The Norfolk resident has been coordinating the
drive since 2017.
The Shoebox Project was
started in Canada in 2011 with
a mission to collect and distribute shoeboxes filled with small
luxury items to women who are
homeless or at risk of homelessness. There are now about 80
volunteer-run chapters across
North America with the goal of
making women in crisis feel valued and cared for. The non-profit
organization’s message for these
women is “You Are Not Alone.”
That message is especially important this holiday season.
R. B. Michael Oliver, the Director of Development at Rosie’s
Place, says the Norfolk Shoebox
Project, now in its fourth year, has
helped brighten the holidays for
hundreds of women. In the past,
the shoeboxes were distributed
during the shelter’s annual Christmas party, but this year there will
be no party because of coronavirus concerns. Instead, the gift
cards will be distributed to guests
in both the overnight and day shelters, as well as through the shelter’s
food pantry, ensuring the women
receive something for themselves
during a very difficult time.
Oliver said that the pandemic
has changed the way Rosie’s
Place operates. In early March,
the shelter extended indefinitely the usual 21-day stay for
overnight guests. None of those
women have contracted the virus,
he noted. The day shelter is open
only to homeless women, and
they receive a medical screening
upon entering the building. Adhering to social distancing rules,
they can access the showers and
partake of to-go meals in the dining room. Oliver added that the
shelter’s food pantry now serves
250 women each day, twice as
many as one year ago.
“Rosie’s Place is committed to
keeping our doors open to Boston’s most vulnerable women,”
he said. “And we are so grateful
that Maura and the Shoebox
Project choose to stand with us.”
Ironically, the pandemic has
probably made it easier to donate to the Shoebox Project, says
Birenbaum, who noted the drive
has collected over 500 shoeboxes
since she started the Norfolk
“I think people enjoy putting
the shoebox together,” she said.
“I know I do. But I think some
people will like the ease of dropping off a gift card.”
She adds, “I worry that organizations that relied heavily on
in-person volunteering might be
struggling right now. So I’m really happy that we can still contribute in a way that’s safe and
do something for these women.
If we think the pandemic has
been tough, imagine what they
are going through.”
Gift cards can be dropped
off at Birenbaum’s home by
December 7. Email her at [email protected] or
[email protected] for the address or with
any questions.
Along with the gift card, Birenbaum asks donors to include
a small note of support, if possible, or enclose the gift card in
a holiday card. Envelopes should
be unsealed.
Direct donations can also be
made on the chapter’s website:
org/norfolk-county.html. Click
on “Make a Donation to our
Local Chapter.”
The King Philip Leo Club, a
service organization at the high
school, is helping out with the
project by writing notes for any
gift cards without them.